How to thrive in an unknowable future. Again, to give context, this is where I’ve read a bunch of books on this subject. I took a bunch of these book notes, lots of paragraphs, and condensed them down into these. What is it? Six directives. One, prepare for the worst. Since you have no idea what the future may bring, be open to the best and the worst. But the best case scenario doesn’t need your preparation or your attention.
So mentally and financially prepare for the worst case instead. Like insurance, don’t obsess on it. Just prepare, then carry on appreciating the good times.
How to thrive in an unknowable future, number two, expect disaster. Every biography of a successful person has that line, “And then things took a turn for the worse.” So fully expect that disaster to come to you at any time. Completely assume it’s going to happen and make your plans accordingly. Not just money, but health, family, freedom, expect all of it to disappear. Besides, you appreciate things more when you know that this may be your last time seeing them.
Three, own as little as possible. Depend on even less, the less you own, the less you’re affected by disaster. Four, and this is straight out of Antifragile, choose opportunity, not loyalty. Have no loyalty to location, corporation or your past public statements. Be an absolute opportunist doing whatever’s best for the future in the current situation, unbound by the past. Have loyalty for only your most important human relationships.
Number five, choose the plan with the most options. I got that one from Kevin Kelly. The best plan is the one that lets you change your plans. For example, renting a house is buying the option to move at any time without losing money in a changing market.
Number six, avoid planning. For maximum options, don’t plan at all. Since you have no idea how the situation or your mood may change in the future, wait until the last possible moment to make each decision. Funny thing is I posted that in 2016 on my site and I just, last month in March 2020, in the middle of quarantine and all that, went back and read it just smiling and nodding like, “Yeah. Prepare for the worst, expect disaster. Yeah.”